Privacy Policy

Acknowledgements by the Customer:

You, the customer, hereby agree and acknowledge;
  • - that; you will at all times comply with the requirements of the Law(s); including the National Credit Act of 2005 and the Consumer Protection Act and / or any other applicable legislation to the extent that it is relevant to the customer for the receiving, compiling and reporting of information. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Customer specifically acknowledges and agrees that, when reporting Personal and other information to Outkast Gear & Apparel;
  • that; such information will include all mandatory data,
  • that; it will have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information being submitted, is accurate, up-to-date, relevant, complete and valid when submitting such information;
  • that; you are entitled to submit the information to Outkast Gear & Apparel, for the purpose of Outkast Gear & Apparel making such information available to its associated partners, for the purpose of rendering the services offered, and that such information is not subject to a duty of confidentiality between Outkast Gear & Apparel and the customer

Types of Information we collect:

As a Visitor or User, you agree that we may electronically accumulate, keep and use the following of your information:
  • Internet usage information, including your Internet Protocol ("IP") address, click patterns, browsing habits, version of software installed, system resolutions and type, plug-ins, colour capabilities, cookie preferences, language settings, search engine metawords(keywords), JavaScript enablement, unique user ID, the pages and content that you access on the Platform / Website and the dates and times that you visit the Website, paths taken, and time spent on pages / sites within the Website ("Usage Details"); and
  • Additional information you may provide on a voluntarily, such as demographic information or data related to your favorite social networking site (e.g. the site name, address and description(s)), or information relating to your participation in Outkast Gear & Apparel competitions, promotions, studies, reviews and surveys, as well as additional services. ("Optional Details").

How we collect such information:

Voluntarily provided by you:

Details submitted, when registering or transacting, for the purpose of using the services on the Outkast Gear & Apparel website. Optional Details may be submitted by you to us if you decide to upload or download certain content (or products) from the Website / Platform, enter competitions, partake in promotions, respond to reviews / surveys, subscribe to or register for specific additional services; or else use any of the optional features and functionality of the Website / Platform.

Automatically gathered via several technologies:

"Cookies" Information: When you access the Website / Platform, we may send one or more cookies (these are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters) to your computer to collect certain Usage Details. Outkast Gear & Apparel may use both session cookies (which disappears after you close your browser) and persistent cookies (which remain after you close your browser which can be removed manually) and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the Website and Platform. Please note; the use of cookies is a norm/standard on the internet and many major websites use them. Please refer to your web browser "Help" file to learn more about changing your cookie settings.

Other tracking technology:

When you access the Website / Platform or open one of our HTML emails, certain Usage Details may be automatically collected and recorded by us from your system by using different types of tracking technology.

Web Beacons:

Our Website may contain electronic image requests (called a "single-pixel gif" or "web beacon" request) that allow us to count page views and to access cookies. We may also insert web beacons in HTML-formatted newsletters, which we send to "opt-in" subscribers in order to count how many newsletters have been read. Outkast Gear & Apparel web beacons do not gather, monitor or share any personally identifiable information about our Customers. They are just the technique we use to compile anonymous information about the Website and Service usage.

Why / for what purpose do we collect this information?

Outkast Gear & Apparel may use any Optional Details provided by you, for such purposes as indicated to you at the time you agree to provide such Optional Details
We may use your Usage Details to:
  • Automatically validate and/or verify your identity; for website and transaction security purposes via Outkast Gear & Apparel or via a third party service provider.
  • Automatically provide you with the latest version of the Outkast Gear & Apparel application on your system;
  • Remember your information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you access the Website / Platform;
  • Monitor aggregate Website usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages accessed; and
  • Track your entries, submissions, and status in any promotions or other activities in connection with your usage of the Website / Platform.

Information about Outkast Gear & Apparel website users:

Outkast Gear & Apparel shall take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of the Users and for this purpose, "personal information / personal details"; shall be defined as contained and detailed in the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000(PAIA).
Types of information we collect about Outkast Gear & Apparel website users: If you are a Outkast Gear & Apparel website user, you agree that we may also electronically gather, save and use the following of your information:
  • name and surname ("Personal Information/Details");
  • e-mail address, mobile number, home and delivery address and credit card billing address ("Contact Details");

How we collect information about Outkast Gear & Apparel Website Users:

Outkast Gear & Apparel Website Users collects the aforesaid information from you in the following manner:
  • Your Personal Information/Details and Contact Details will be provided by you directly to us during your registration as a Outkast Gear & Apparel website user and/or thereafter by you actively transacting, updating or supplementing such details in your Outkast Gear & Apparel website users Account.

The purposes for which the Outkast Gear & Apparel website collects the information:

Outkast Gear & Apparel uses the information that Outkast Gear & Apparel website users provide (or that we collect) to operate, validate, verify, maintain, enhance and provide all of the features of the Services, and as may be necessary to comply legally when conducting online payment transactions and related service provided.
More specifically:
  • We use your Personal Information/Details to greet you when you access your Outkast Gear & Apparel User Account, to manage and administer your use of the Services and fulfill our contractual obligations, including the verification of your identity when you transact with Outkast Gear & Apparel.
  • We use your Contact Details to verify your identity and to inform you of facts relating to your use of the Service(s) (e.g. notifications regarding major updates or content you have posted or downloaded from the Website / Platform, customer service notifications, and to address any copyright infringement or defamation issues); as well as to inform you; subject to obtaining your prior agreement, of competitions, promotions and special offers form us and/or any of our partners and/or affiliates.